She's Like Texas


According to an article on Art Bistro, Austin, TX remains the #1 city for designers and artists to live, work, and play. It has the lowest change in unemployment rate since the recession, a high-tech entrepreneurship, and high projected job-growth. Other cities on the sites top 25 list were impressive with places such as Washington D.C. and Portland, OR, along with many others.

I have heard so many interesting things about Austin throughout the years but I have never visited myself. Which is ironic seeing as how half of my family is from the state of Texas, but lets be honest, saying you're from Texas could mean the difference of 700 miles. I am a southern belle, born and bred, with the heart of a Texan, big, strong and wild, and ever-free. I am coming to a close of my life as a college student which means in the next two months, I have big decisions to make. I have to decide where I want my journey to go next, or where I want to allow my heart to take me. In the endeavor of looking for where to begin in this new chapter of my life, I think it suites me to explore the wonders that are Austin, TX. From the eclectic variety of food, to the night life, to all the wonderment and secrets that lie in all the antique shops. It is a journey to be had, this is for sure and I plan on allowing my free spirit to float through the breeze and explore until it finds a place to settle. Maybe along the horizons of Austin? Who knows for sure...